August 18, 2010


Well...I may have joined the revolution 15 years too late, but I'm here.

I am starting Yoga. In a given day, I follow a variety of Blogs....well I won a contest from the fabulous Allison Winn Scotch during the launch of her most recent book. Hooray for internet contests where I win $25 to!

Well, I've also become a closet fan of Bethenny Frankel....I KNOW! So, I've been doing some research, checked out her first book from the Library and was curious about her exercise video, available exclusively guessed

Well, once I got my gift certificate, it was the first thing I purchased, and the bonus is it came with an optional video I could enjoy right away before my DVD arrives. And. It. Kicked. My. Ass. Its mostly Yoga with a mix of basic weight training and some butt sculpting. And the best part? It was free (if it wasn't free, it was a paltry $12.99).

My goal is simple. I'm going to try to follow it every week day for the next week. Experts say if you really want to make a habit and make it stick, you should commit to 30 days. I know how short my attention span is. If I can commit to a week, and then another week, maybe I can be on a new path to enlightenment along with the Dalai Lamma.

Hopefully this is the start of a whole new me!

Thanks for stopping by Mollywood...I'll catch you soon!

August 17, 2010

Dirty - Thirty (two)

My birthday is this week. And once again I am finding myself without a job for my birthday. But this time, I've decided to turn things on a positive ear. So, aside from my daily affirmations "I have a job that I love and that pays me well," which a dear dear friend tells me helps turn the universe in your favor, I've come up with a to-do list for this year.

Thirty-two things to do while I'm thirty-two. (I'd like to claim I came up with this on my own, but I stole it from my friend Erin and her blog A Girl and Her Mutt) So, here goes, big and small, we love them all and the project is going to be to attempt to accomplish them all - and I'll report back periodically on how its going.

1. Get a job that I love and that pays me well.
2. Keep up with the blog (1 post each week)
3. Attend Church Service at least once a month
4. Take a wine tasting class.
5. Visit the Cummer Museum
6. Visit Dottie Beard in Annapolis
7. Attend a Jacksonville Art Walk
8. Pick a volunteer project and get started. (I’m leaning towards signing up as a mentor or volunteering at the Florida Theater, but that may change.)
9. Lose an unspecified amount of weight
10. Go to a Good Shepherd Chamber Music Society concert
11. See the sunrise from the beach
12. Clean up media on iPod
13. Get car back in garage
14. Go somewhere special for New Year’s Eve
15. Cook at least three meals at home each week.
16. No more library fines – and only check out books
17. Visit Helen, Georgia during Octoberfest
18. Go to a Jacksonville Seminole Club event
19. Take a Photography Class
20. Plan Day-trip from Jax and Gainesville (Neil’s current home-base) to somewhere I haven’t been in at least 10 years.
21. Get Savannah art framed and hung
22. Update the reading list – include authors with actual merit rather than reality television fixtures.
23. Take more pictures of myself and with Neil.
24. Go to the Planetarium
25. Find an obedience class for Finn.
26. Plan and take a road trip to Nashville
27. Wash and clean out my car once a week
28. Go kayaking with Neil
29. Start a wine log
30. Go to the beach at least once each month
31. Go to Ikea in Orlando
32. Make homemade Mayonnaise and Pesto sauce

Wish me luck! I hope you enjoyed your visit to Mollywood! I'll catch you next time!